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8 Essential Tips for Conserving Water This Summer

Jun 1, 2024 | Water Consumption, Faucet, Leak, Ohio, Plumbing, Plumbing & Drain, Springboro, Water Bill, Water Usage

Summer means long, sunny days, awesome backyard BBQs, and for many of us, the struggle to keep our gardens lush and green under that scorching sun. It’s also when we all start using a lot more water, which can really stress out our precious resources and cut into your water bill, too. Here are eight cool tips from Springboro Plumbing & Drain to help you keep your lawn and garden looking great, without wasting water or compromising your comfort at home. 

Save on Water Consumption by Rinsing Your Produce in a Large Bowl or Container   

Whether you’re picking fresh strawberries from your garden or grabbing spinach from the local farmers’ market, don’t forget to wash your produce. Instead of just blasting them under running tap water, try soaking them in a bowl of water. This trick saves water and hey, you can even use that water for your houseplants later. It’s a win-win. 

Save on Water Consumption by Not Washing All of Your Dishes by Hand   

Did you know washing dishes by hand can use up to 20 gallons of water? Washing dishes by hand might feel therapeutic to some people, but it’s not always the best way to save water. Believe it or not, modern dishwashers, especially the energy-efficient ones, can actually use less water than doing the dishes by hand. The most energy-efficient models only need about 4 gallons for a load. But if you’ve got to wash some stuff by hand, don’t just let the water run. Fill up one side of your sink with soapy water for washing, and the other side with clean water for rinsing. 

Save on Water Consumption by Planning Ahead to Thaw Your Frozen Food   

Planning ahead can really help you save water around meal times. Instead of letting water run to thaw frozen foods, just move them from the freezer to the fridge the night before you need them. This way, you save water and make sure your foods thaw safely. 

Save on Water Consumption by Doing Laundry with Intention   

  • Wash Only Full Loads – Running your washing machine only when it’s fully loaded is a smart move. It makes it way more efficient, saving both water and energy. Plus, it cuts down on the need for running it multiple times, saving tons of water in the long run. 
  • Stay Away from Using the Permanent Press Setting – The permanent-press cycle adds an extra rinse to keep your clothes in good shape, but it also means using more water. So, unless it’s needed for certain clothes looking great, maybe skip this setting when you can. 

Save on Water Consumption by Watering Your Garden and Outdoor Plants in the Early Morning or Evening   

Watering your garden when it’s super hot out means a lot of the water just evaporates. So, if you want to make sure the water actually gets to where your plants need it most, try watering them early in the morning or later in the evening instead. This way, your plants get a really good chance to soak up all that moisture. 

Save on Water Consumption by Keeping Your Pool Covered   

If you’ve got a pool, throwing a cover on it when you’re not using it can really cut down on water loss from evaporation. Also, a pool cover keeps your pool clean and means you won’t need as many chemicals. 

Save on Water Consumption by Layering Your Mulch on Your Garden Beds   

Mulching your garden beds does more than just keep those pesky weeds at bay; it’s also awesome for keeping the soil moist. Slap a good layer of mulch on, and you’ll cut down on how much sun hits the soil, keeping it cooler and slowing down water evaporation. This translates to less watering for you and a garden that’s thriving and happy. 

Save on Water Consumption by Fixing Any Leaky Fixtures Right Away   

A dripping faucet, a leaky outdoor spigot, or a toilet that won’t stop running can really waste a ton of water over time. So, it’s a good idea to regularly check your indoor and outdoor fixtures for any leaks and fix them up as soon as you can. 

Putting these tips into action can really help you cut down on how much water you use this summer. Remember, saving water is super important for the planet and it’s also pretty good for your wallet too. By sticking to these habits, you can keep your garden looking lush and your home comfy, all while knowing you’re helping save a precious resource. 

Call Springboro Plumbing & Drain for all of your plumbing needs today at (937) 912-1338, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!